Bran, Hodor, and the Reeds have arrived at the Nightfort, which is an old, abandoned castle on the Wall.
Bran: Oh, this place is creeping me out. My and summer… we had a terrible dream about Robb and Grey Wind.
Jojen: Man, like… you don’t need to worry about it, bro. Dreams are just… like… dreams, dude.
Bran: Oh, that’s reassuring.
Jojen: Oh… did I say just dreams? I mean… like… they’re totally prophetic and represent visions of reality.
Bran: Ugh. I hate you Jojen. Why don’t you go smoke your jazz cabbage somewhere else and leave me alone?
Meera: Why are you so unnerved and on edge here, Bran? You seem really freaked out all of a sudden.
Bran: Well, this is the Nightfort. Old Nan told me all sorts of horrible stories about it when I was growing up. This place is totally cursed. For instance, there is this legendary tale about the Rat Cook.
Jojen: Oh man… I remember him! I used to get high and watch him on Ninja Turtles!
Bran: NO! That was the RAT KING! The Rat Cook is this cook that lived here years and years ago at the Nightfort. He served the Andal King a pie made of bacon and the King’s own son. You see, he had killed the King’s son in revenge for something he thought the king had done to him. And the gods were VERY ANGRY about this. They weren’t angry about the murder or the cannibalism. They were angry because the cook had DEFIED THE HONORED TRADITION OF GUEST RIGHTS.
Meera: Hrm. GUEST RIGHTS. Interesting that you bring that up. Please tell me more about GUEST RIGHTS.
Jojen: *smokes weed in corner*
Meera: Ah, I see. I wonder why we’re bringing this concept up right now.
Bran: Because that’s why I’m scared by this place. It’s cursed. Maybe the Rat Cook’s ghost still wanders these halls!
Meera: Why do they call him a rat cook? I don’t see what the rank link to this story is. He’s a human that cooks another human and feeds him to a third human. I see no rats in this story.
Bran: Oh. I think the gods turned him into a rat afterwards or something as punishment. Which explains why there are so many rats that live here now.
Meera: Or maybe there are a bunch of rats here because it’s an old, abandoned structure that’s safe from the elements which is an ideal location for rats to breed.
Bran: No. That’s stupid. The more logical answer is my version of the story where a guy gets turned into a rat and then dies and haunts the place down in the cellar.
Hodor: AGHHH!! HORRIFYING! I am quite apprehensive of apparitions, I’ll have you know. While I know I should be enlightened enough not to believe in such superstition, a part of my being still cannot help but be unnerved by such tales!
Jojen: Whatever. We came to this place in order to cross the Wall. I saw it in a vision. This is where we have to cross. But the gate is sealed.
Bran: Yeah, it’s been sealed since the place was abandoned by the watch 200 years ago. We should have never come here. We should have gone to the safety of Castle Black where my brother, Jon is. I saw him, you know! When I was in Summer I saw Jon!
Meera: Hahaha, that’s funny because the last chapter was just about a giant war happening there. It’s not safe at all there.
Jojen: Yeah. Don’t you remember the Wildlings chasing after him? And they shot Summer.
Bran: Oh right. Summer got shot by the Wildlings, but then Meera nursed him back to health. Thanks. I almost forgot about all that exposition about events which occurred between my last POV chapter and this one. Anyway. The only castles that are still open to cross are Castle Black, Eastwatch, and the Shadow Tower. We can’t get through here. It's more closed for business than a married woman's legs.
Meera: Maybe we should just climb the wall here then.
Bran: Oh yeah, thanks for bringing up CLIMBING in front of me. Thanks a lot. It’s not like that’s a sore spot for me.
Meera: Sorry. I should still climb it to check things out anyway.
Jojen: Right, sis. And while you check out things from above… I’m going to GET DOWN!
Bran: And by that I assume you mean smoke more weed ?
Jojen: No. I mean we should go DOWN while she’s looking UP. Maybe we’ll find some secret passage or something in the cellars.
Bran: Oh. I see. Are you SURE you want to go in the cellars? Didn’t I just tell you that this place was haunted by ghosts of a rat cook? And that’s not the ONLY ghost story here! There are OTHER ghost stories too! Like the one about the 79 deserters who—
Jojen: Is the 79 deserters story somehow relevant to any major plot points like how the guest rights thing is relevant?
Bran: No.
Jojen: Then let’s just skip it and search for some type of secret passage to cross the wall.
They explore for several hours, and Bran is happy that they only find regular rats and not evil ghost rat cooks. Eventually, Meera rejoins them.
Meera: Hey, there were great views up there on the Wall. I could see SO FAR! But there is no way over it for a cripple boy, that’s for sure.
Jojen: Well there MUST BE some sort of way to pass through the Wall here. I know it! One of my green dreams told me!
Bran: So we’re really looking for a place to gross just because you had a vision when you goy high?
Jojen: Yes!
Bran: *sigh*… This is dumb and boring. Let me tell you another story now. This story is about the NIGHT’S KING!
Meera: Oooh! Night’s King! Interesting! You have my attention!
They all grab popcorn and listen to Bran tell this story.
Bran: Well, once upon a time in the age of heroes, there was a Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. He was the 13th Lord Commander and he fell in love with one of the Others and they had hot sex. Although I suppose it might have been cold sex. After that, he brought her back here to the Nightfort and declared himself King and his Other Wife a Queen. He ruled this castle and controlled the Night’s Watch for 13 years before the Starks decided to make peace with the Wildlings in order to take him down. Brandon the Breaker, the King of Winter, and Joramun, the King-Beyond-the-Wall, finally allied with one another and freed the Night’s Watch from his rule. But is he really dead? Maybe… maybe not! Maybe he’s still alive to this day… OoOooOoooooo!!!!
Meera: Oh. Is that all? That’s the story of the Night’s King? I thought it would be something about him being one of the First Men that was captured by the Children of the Forest and turned into the very first White Walker by having a dragonglass dagger stabbed into his heart.
Bran: No, that’s dumb. Why would they do that?
Meera: To get revenge against all the First Men for killing the weir trees and conquering their lands. But then the White Walkers would have gotten out of control afterwards and stuff. Because they’d start touching babies and would turn their eyes blue to build up their ranks.
Bran: Seems a bit convoluted. Anyway, I’m tired.
Jojen: Well, let’s go to sleep in the kitchen then.
Bran: The kitchen where THE RAT COOK lived?! I THINK NOT!
Jojen: But there is a well there and maybe we can get some water to drink or something.
Bran: Ugh. So they go to the kitchen and Bran tries to get some sleep.
Voice from Well: OoOoooo!!! It is I, the RAT COOK! I HAVE COME BACK TO KILL YOU ALL!
Bran: AGGHH!!!! AGHH!!!!!!!
A fat man in black clothes then jumps out of the Well.
Fat Man: Hahaha, I’m just fucking with you guys. I’m not really the Rat Cook. I just heard Bran complaining about him and telling the story. I’ve got really good hearing and this well has some amazing acoustics in it. I could open up a recording studio in here since the sound quality is so good.
Bran: Who the fuck are you?
Fat Man: Oh, I’m Sam. Samwell Tarly.
Meera throws a net on Sam and stabs him with a knife.
Sam: OW! What the hell?! I’m just a guy!
Meera: Oh. Sorry.
Meera tries to un-stab Sam, but then remembers that that’s not actually a thing.
Sam comes out of the well and a girl follows him with a baby.
Gilly: Hi, I’m Gilly.
Baby: *baby noises*
Bran: Try to not stab them too, Meera.
Meera: *rolls eyes*
Jojen: Where the heck did you guys come from?
Sam: Craster’s Keep.
Gilly: Hey! Are you “The One?”
Jojen: WHAT?! Am I THE ONE?! Who told you that? Is someone snitching on me? Are you guys cops? If Leroy told you that you can buy some stuff from me, he’s a liar! I ain’t got no product on me!
Sam: No, no! We’re not cops. Well. I’m in the Night’s Watch… so I’m a sort of a cop. But no, our friend Coldhands sent us through the Wall here and said that he was trying to find “The One.” He’s apparently been on this giant quest to fine The One.
Bran: Tell him to go to Blockbuster Video. They should have a copy of The One. Tell him to look in the “Action” section because it’s a 2001 film where Jet Li travels between alternate universes and fighting 124 versions of himself until he can become the only one left. It’s sort of a mashup between Sliders and The Highlander. It was originally supposed to star The Rock, but he had to drop out in order to play the Scorpion King.
Jojen: Is that anything like a rat king?
Bran: It’s Rat COOK! COOK!!!!!!
Sam: Anyway, our buddy Coldhands said that if we came to this Castle, we’d be able to find “The One.” But he wasn’t talking about a DVD and I’m pretty sure Blockbuster isn’t a thing anymore. He must have been talking about one of you.
Bran: I’m not sure if I can trust you, since you’re a stranger. I’ll let my wolf decide.
Bran calls for Summer, who enters the scene. Summer sniffs Sam and then licks him.
Bran: Oh good! Summer didn’t viciously tear you apart and murder you. I guess that means you’re trustworthy.
Sam: Uhhh… Yay?
Bran: So you came from the other side of the Wall?
Sam: Yeah. There is totally a secret passage through this well.
Bran: Wait… I’m not sure your story checks out. What’s on the other side of the secret passage?
Sam: A study.
Bran: Okay, never mind. Your story checks out. There is ALWAYS a study on the other side of the secret passage from the kitchen. Just like he lounge always leads to the conservatory.
Meera: Well, I’m just glad we’ve finally moved on from endless goddamn Oregon Trail jokes about fording rivers and instead gone to Clue jokes.
Bran: Don’t explain the joke, Meera. It’s condescending to the reader and it makes it less funny.
Jojen: HEY EVERYONE! Did I tell you my dream was true or what? See? There is a secret passage to get to the other side of the Wall, just like in my vision! Sam, you need to take us to the other side of the Wall!
Sam: Ugh. Why would you want to go to the other side of the Wall? That’s where we’re escaping from.
Bran: I have to meet the Three-Eyed Crow!
Sam: Ah, I see. So you’re all a bunch of crazy potheads.
Bran: NO!
Meera: NO!
Hodor: Negative, good ser!
Jojen: Yeah, sort of.
Sam: Well, I guess you guys want to go that way and also this Coldhands guy seems to want someone to go that way too. Maybe he’s talking about you. Whatever. I guess I could lead you back there using vaguely described “magic” that makes it so that only I, a Member of the Night’s Watch, can pass through the hidden door in the secret passage.
Bran: Why does magic have to be added into the ability to cross this gate?
Sam: I dunno. Maybe as some lame excuse to explain why people don’t pass through the gate all the time.
Bran: Shouldn’t the fact that it’s a SECRET PASSAGE that nobody knows about already be enough to explain why nobody passes through it on a regular basis? Why do we have to add some MAGIC GATE that only Members of the Nights Watch can use?
Sam: *shrugs*
Bran: Especially if GRRM is already going to add plot elements like, “Oh yeah, Wildlings climb over the Wall all the time without being detected. Mance did it once because he was bored and wanted to pretend to be a musician when King Robert visited Winterfell.”
Sam: Yes. I’ll admit the whole thing sounds pretty dumb. So do you want to shut up and let me take you to the other side of the Wall or not?
Bran: Yes.
Sam: Okay then. Gilly will stay here with the baby in the castle while I show you unaccompanied minors across the wall to a deadly land of winter and hand you off to a stranger who rides an elk and is probably a dead person that’s half Other. Seems reasonable.
Jojen: Yes. I’m sure we’ll be safe. After all, we might be unaccompanied minors near a border wall… but at least there are no ICE and Border Patrol Agents here to throw us in cages! AM I RIGHT, PEOPLE?!
Jojen looks to get a high five for his savvy political humor. But everyone just shakes their heads back and forth because this wasn’t an appropriate time to try to pull off some political humor that was a bit of a stretch anyway.
And so Sam leads the kids through the magical secret passage. They get to a wooden door with a weirwood face on it.
Sam: This is the magic door. A member of the Nights Watch has to say the magic words in order for it to open.
Meera: Or… since it’s wooden… I guess LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE could just cut through it with an axe.
Sam: Yeah, I suppose.
Bran: Oh, this place is creeping me out. My and summer… we had a terrible dream about Robb and Grey Wind.
Jojen: Man, like… you don’t need to worry about it, bro. Dreams are just… like… dreams, dude.
Bran: Oh, that’s reassuring.
Jojen: Oh… did I say just dreams? I mean… like… they’re totally prophetic and represent visions of reality.
Bran: Ugh. I hate you Jojen. Why don’t you go smoke your jazz cabbage somewhere else and leave me alone?
Meera: Why are you so unnerved and on edge here, Bran? You seem really freaked out all of a sudden.
Bran: Well, this is the Nightfort. Old Nan told me all sorts of horrible stories about it when I was growing up. This place is totally cursed. For instance, there is this legendary tale about the Rat Cook.
Jojen: Oh man… I remember him! I used to get high and watch him on Ninja Turtles!
Bran: NO! That was the RAT KING! The Rat Cook is this cook that lived here years and years ago at the Nightfort. He served the Andal King a pie made of bacon and the King’s own son. You see, he had killed the King’s son in revenge for something he thought the king had done to him. And the gods were VERY ANGRY about this. They weren’t angry about the murder or the cannibalism. They were angry because the cook had DEFIED THE HONORED TRADITION OF GUEST RIGHTS.
Meera: Hrm. GUEST RIGHTS. Interesting that you bring that up. Please tell me more about GUEST RIGHTS.
Jojen: *smokes weed in corner*
Meera: Ah, I see. I wonder why we’re bringing this concept up right now.
Bran: Because that’s why I’m scared by this place. It’s cursed. Maybe the Rat Cook’s ghost still wanders these halls!
Meera: Why do they call him a rat cook? I don’t see what the rank link to this story is. He’s a human that cooks another human and feeds him to a third human. I see no rats in this story.
Bran: Oh. I think the gods turned him into a rat afterwards or something as punishment. Which explains why there are so many rats that live here now.
Meera: Or maybe there are a bunch of rats here because it’s an old, abandoned structure that’s safe from the elements which is an ideal location for rats to breed.
Bran: No. That’s stupid. The more logical answer is my version of the story where a guy gets turned into a rat and then dies and haunts the place down in the cellar.
Hodor: AGHHH!! HORRIFYING! I am quite apprehensive of apparitions, I’ll have you know. While I know I should be enlightened enough not to believe in such superstition, a part of my being still cannot help but be unnerved by such tales!
Jojen: Whatever. We came to this place in order to cross the Wall. I saw it in a vision. This is where we have to cross. But the gate is sealed.
Bran: Yeah, it’s been sealed since the place was abandoned by the watch 200 years ago. We should have never come here. We should have gone to the safety of Castle Black where my brother, Jon is. I saw him, you know! When I was in Summer I saw Jon!
Meera: Hahaha, that’s funny because the last chapter was just about a giant war happening there. It’s not safe at all there.
Jojen: Yeah. Don’t you remember the Wildlings chasing after him? And they shot Summer.
Bran: Oh right. Summer got shot by the Wildlings, but then Meera nursed him back to health. Thanks. I almost forgot about all that exposition about events which occurred between my last POV chapter and this one. Anyway. The only castles that are still open to cross are Castle Black, Eastwatch, and the Shadow Tower. We can’t get through here. It's more closed for business than a married woman's legs.
Meera: Maybe we should just climb the wall here then.
Bran: Oh yeah, thanks for bringing up CLIMBING in front of me. Thanks a lot. It’s not like that’s a sore spot for me.
Meera: Sorry. I should still climb it to check things out anyway.
Jojen: Right, sis. And while you check out things from above… I’m going to GET DOWN!
Bran: And by that I assume you mean smoke more weed ?
Jojen: No. I mean we should go DOWN while she’s looking UP. Maybe we’ll find some secret passage or something in the cellars.
Bran: Oh. I see. Are you SURE you want to go in the cellars? Didn’t I just tell you that this place was haunted by ghosts of a rat cook? And that’s not the ONLY ghost story here! There are OTHER ghost stories too! Like the one about the 79 deserters who—
Jojen: Is the 79 deserters story somehow relevant to any major plot points like how the guest rights thing is relevant?
Bran: No.
Jojen: Then let’s just skip it and search for some type of secret passage to cross the wall.
They explore for several hours, and Bran is happy that they only find regular rats and not evil ghost rat cooks. Eventually, Meera rejoins them.
Meera: Hey, there were great views up there on the Wall. I could see SO FAR! But there is no way over it for a cripple boy, that’s for sure.
Jojen: Well there MUST BE some sort of way to pass through the Wall here. I know it! One of my green dreams told me!
Bran: So we’re really looking for a place to gross just because you had a vision when you goy high?
Jojen: Yes!
Bran: *sigh*… This is dumb and boring. Let me tell you another story now. This story is about the NIGHT’S KING!
Meera: Oooh! Night’s King! Interesting! You have my attention!
They all grab popcorn and listen to Bran tell this story.
Bran: Well, once upon a time in the age of heroes, there was a Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. He was the 13th Lord Commander and he fell in love with one of the Others and they had hot sex. Although I suppose it might have been cold sex. After that, he brought her back here to the Nightfort and declared himself King and his Other Wife a Queen. He ruled this castle and controlled the Night’s Watch for 13 years before the Starks decided to make peace with the Wildlings in order to take him down. Brandon the Breaker, the King of Winter, and Joramun, the King-Beyond-the-Wall, finally allied with one another and freed the Night’s Watch from his rule. But is he really dead? Maybe… maybe not! Maybe he’s still alive to this day… OoOooOoooooo!!!!
Meera: Oh. Is that all? That’s the story of the Night’s King? I thought it would be something about him being one of the First Men that was captured by the Children of the Forest and turned into the very first White Walker by having a dragonglass dagger stabbed into his heart.
Bran: No, that’s dumb. Why would they do that?
Meera: To get revenge against all the First Men for killing the weir trees and conquering their lands. But then the White Walkers would have gotten out of control afterwards and stuff. Because they’d start touching babies and would turn their eyes blue to build up their ranks.
Bran: Seems a bit convoluted. Anyway, I’m tired.
Jojen: Well, let’s go to sleep in the kitchen then.
Bran: The kitchen where THE RAT COOK lived?! I THINK NOT!
Jojen: But there is a well there and maybe we can get some water to drink or something.
Bran: Ugh. So they go to the kitchen and Bran tries to get some sleep.
Voice from Well: OoOoooo!!! It is I, the RAT COOK! I HAVE COME BACK TO KILL YOU ALL!
Bran: AGGHH!!!! AGHH!!!!!!!
A fat man in black clothes then jumps out of the Well.
Fat Man: Hahaha, I’m just fucking with you guys. I’m not really the Rat Cook. I just heard Bran complaining about him and telling the story. I’ve got really good hearing and this well has some amazing acoustics in it. I could open up a recording studio in here since the sound quality is so good.
Bran: Who the fuck are you?
Fat Man: Oh, I’m Sam. Samwell Tarly.
Meera throws a net on Sam and stabs him with a knife.
Sam: OW! What the hell?! I’m just a guy!
Meera: Oh. Sorry.
Meera tries to un-stab Sam, but then remembers that that’s not actually a thing.
Sam comes out of the well and a girl follows him with a baby.
Gilly: Hi, I’m Gilly.
Baby: *baby noises*
Bran: Try to not stab them too, Meera.
Meera: *rolls eyes*
Jojen: Where the heck did you guys come from?
Sam: Craster’s Keep.
Gilly: Hey! Are you “The One?”
Jojen: WHAT?! Am I THE ONE?! Who told you that? Is someone snitching on me? Are you guys cops? If Leroy told you that you can buy some stuff from me, he’s a liar! I ain’t got no product on me!
Sam: No, no! We’re not cops. Well. I’m in the Night’s Watch… so I’m a sort of a cop. But no, our friend Coldhands sent us through the Wall here and said that he was trying to find “The One.” He’s apparently been on this giant quest to fine The One.
Bran: Tell him to go to Blockbuster Video. They should have a copy of The One. Tell him to look in the “Action” section because it’s a 2001 film where Jet Li travels between alternate universes and fighting 124 versions of himself until he can become the only one left. It’s sort of a mashup between Sliders and The Highlander. It was originally supposed to star The Rock, but he had to drop out in order to play the Scorpion King.
Jojen: Is that anything like a rat king?
Bran: It’s Rat COOK! COOK!!!!!!
Sam: Anyway, our buddy Coldhands said that if we came to this Castle, we’d be able to find “The One.” But he wasn’t talking about a DVD and I’m pretty sure Blockbuster isn’t a thing anymore. He must have been talking about one of you.
Bran: I’m not sure if I can trust you, since you’re a stranger. I’ll let my wolf decide.
Bran calls for Summer, who enters the scene. Summer sniffs Sam and then licks him.
Bran: Oh good! Summer didn’t viciously tear you apart and murder you. I guess that means you’re trustworthy.
Sam: Uhhh… Yay?
Bran: So you came from the other side of the Wall?
Sam: Yeah. There is totally a secret passage through this well.
Bran: Wait… I’m not sure your story checks out. What’s on the other side of the secret passage?
Sam: A study.
Bran: Okay, never mind. Your story checks out. There is ALWAYS a study on the other side of the secret passage from the kitchen. Just like he lounge always leads to the conservatory.
Meera: Well, I’m just glad we’ve finally moved on from endless goddamn Oregon Trail jokes about fording rivers and instead gone to Clue jokes.
Bran: Don’t explain the joke, Meera. It’s condescending to the reader and it makes it less funny.
Jojen: HEY EVERYONE! Did I tell you my dream was true or what? See? There is a secret passage to get to the other side of the Wall, just like in my vision! Sam, you need to take us to the other side of the Wall!
Sam: Ugh. Why would you want to go to the other side of the Wall? That’s where we’re escaping from.
Bran: I have to meet the Three-Eyed Crow!
Sam: Ah, I see. So you’re all a bunch of crazy potheads.
Bran: NO!
Meera: NO!
Hodor: Negative, good ser!
Jojen: Yeah, sort of.
Sam: Well, I guess you guys want to go that way and also this Coldhands guy seems to want someone to go that way too. Maybe he’s talking about you. Whatever. I guess I could lead you back there using vaguely described “magic” that makes it so that only I, a Member of the Night’s Watch, can pass through the hidden door in the secret passage.
Bran: Why does magic have to be added into the ability to cross this gate?
Sam: I dunno. Maybe as some lame excuse to explain why people don’t pass through the gate all the time.
Bran: Shouldn’t the fact that it’s a SECRET PASSAGE that nobody knows about already be enough to explain why nobody passes through it on a regular basis? Why do we have to add some MAGIC GATE that only Members of the Nights Watch can use?
Sam: *shrugs*
Bran: Especially if GRRM is already going to add plot elements like, “Oh yeah, Wildlings climb over the Wall all the time without being detected. Mance did it once because he was bored and wanted to pretend to be a musician when King Robert visited Winterfell.”
Sam: Yes. I’ll admit the whole thing sounds pretty dumb. So do you want to shut up and let me take you to the other side of the Wall or not?
Bran: Yes.
Sam: Okay then. Gilly will stay here with the baby in the castle while I show you unaccompanied minors across the wall to a deadly land of winter and hand you off to a stranger who rides an elk and is probably a dead person that’s half Other. Seems reasonable.
Jojen: Yes. I’m sure we’ll be safe. After all, we might be unaccompanied minors near a border wall… but at least there are no ICE and Border Patrol Agents here to throw us in cages! AM I RIGHT, PEOPLE?!
Jojen looks to get a high five for his savvy political humor. But everyone just shakes their heads back and forth because this wasn’t an appropriate time to try to pull off some political humor that was a bit of a stretch anyway.
And so Sam leads the kids through the magical secret passage. They get to a wooden door with a weirwood face on it.
Sam: This is the magic door. A member of the Nights Watch has to say the magic words in order for it to open.
Meera: Or… since it’s wooden… I guess LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE could just cut through it with an axe.
Sam: Yeah, I suppose.
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