Maester Aemon is dead and Sam and Gilly are now on the Cinnamon Wind, a ship sailing for Old Town.
Sam: WHAT?! What the hell just happened?! That was quite a time leap between this and my last chapter! It looks like a bunch of important stuff happened. Aemon dead?! WTF?! We’re just going to skip over all that?
No. We’ll flashback and see how it happened.
Sam: Oh. Okay.
Sam: I don’t see why we can’t just tell stories in chronological order though. Why do we have to start in the middle of a story and then jump back? I mean the Arya chapter just did the same thing by starting with Arya going out and selling cockles as if she’s been doing it for a while, and then jumping back in time to have Arya remembering when she started doing it. It’s sort of annoying.
If you don’t like the narrative structure so much, why don’t you narrate it?
Sam: Wait, I thought I was the narrator of this book series.
Oh, maybe. That’s a theory at least. That you’re the dude who writes the “Jingle of Ice and Fire.” I thought we wouldn’t talk about that any more though because it’s too confusing.
Sam: Yeah. Let’s just move on.
Sam does funeral rites for Maester Aemon. This involves playing “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” from Monty Python’s Life of Brian.
Xhondo: *sniff* That was a beautiful ceremony. Now let us celebrate his life by getting shitfaced on rum!
Sam and Gilly have never had rum before. So they try it.
Gilly: Oh wow. This tastes like fire! I like it! *drinks more*
Sam: *cough*cough*cough* Ugh. This is rough.
Xhondo: Hahaha, pussy! Now let’s party! We people from the Summer Isles love to party and drink. We also have wanton women who are very loose. We’re basically a primitive, promiscuous, drunken people!
Sam: Wow, and the people from the Summer Isles are all supposed to be Black, huh? This chapter is pretty fucking racist.
Kojja Mo, Daughter of the Captain: Oh, what a cute baby! Let me hold it!
Gilly: AGH!!! Don’t touch this baby! You’re so dark that you scare me.
Sam: Yep. Definitely a racist writer.
Shut up. If you’re the writer than you’re the racist.
Sam: Don’t put this on me.
Xhondo: Why are you not partying?
Sam: Dude. Aemon just died. He was my friend and mentor. I’m pretty bummed out. Also, his body is starting to smell. I don’t think his body will make it to Old Town.
Xhondo: We can stuff him in one of our barrels of alcohol and the alcohol will preserve his body.
Sam: Gross. Really? That’s what we do to Aemon in the books? We stuff him in a barrel of booze?
Xhondo: Hey, if it was good enough for Horatio Nelson, than it’s good enough for some old Maester guy.
Sam: I just wish we could have gotten Aemon to Old Town in time before he died. They’re the best. I bet they could have saved him. Ah, Aemon. I love thinking about him. Maybe now I should flashback to fill in the gaps of what happened.
Xhondo: And that’s the story about how Daenerys Targaryen hatched three dragons with fire and is now the ruler of Slaver’s Bay. Or at least one city there now. The rest is sort of falling to shit.
Aemon: Oh man, all these stories about Dragons?! AWESOME! That stupid Melisandre thought that Stannis was the Prince that was Promised (TPTWP). But he’s not. I knew that “Lightbringer” sword of his was a fake. It’s this Dany Targaryen girl! My long, lost relative! She will be the savior! And she’s hatched three dragons and brought them back to life. We must go to Slaver’s Bay and see Dany!
Sam: Uh, you’re super sick and dying. That’s probably not a good idea.
Aemon: No, we must! To Slaver’s Bay! I must advise Daenerys.
Sam: How can a girl be the PRINCE that was promised? That doesn’t even make sense?
Aemon: It’s a Google Translate error, you see! In the old texts, dragons were neither male or female. The prophecy wasn’t really about a prince. It could have been either. Daenerys is the savior! *cough*cough*
Xhondo: Uh oh. He is coughing. People who are coughing usually die before the chapter is over.
Sam: Correct. He’s also 102 years old.
Xhondo: You will need to pay Xhondo a lot to take you to Slaver’s Bay.
Sam: Sure. Here. This is everything I have.
Sam hands him all his cash, some bubble gum, and his Allman Brothers vinyl record collection.
Xhondo: What about that cool chain there? Looks like it’s worth a lot.
Sam: Maester Aemon’s chain? NO! You can’t have that. It’s, like, a special thing that needs to stay with Aemon. And if he dies, it needs to be returned to Old Town.
Xhondo: How about those books then?
Sam: NO! You can’t… those books have a ton of ancient knowledge in them! I need those to go to Old Town too!
Xhondo: What about that old, cracked, obsidian horn that you have? Can I have that?
Sam: WHAT?! This old, cracked, horn that Jon Snow found in the hidden cache of obsidian weapons? Then he gave it to me for no reason because he knew “I liked old things.” Then he talked to Tormund about Mance’s quest to find a completely different, surely not this one, "Horn of Winter" AKA the "Horn of Joramund" that would bring down the wall? Then he talked to Ygritte about the very same Horn of Joramun? Then even Bran name-dropped Joramun to make sure people were paying attention to the fact that it’s important? Then Jon talked to Mance about it, and Mance made a dubious, unreliable claim that he had found it, which directly contradicted Ygritte’s specific claim that they had not found it? I could never give up this horn which may or may not be the Horn of MacGuffin!
Xhondo: Okay, wow. This random, old, cracked horn in your possession sounds pretty important now. So I’m going to let you keep that because it sounds like it might be important for plot purposes. But you’re being a shitty negotiator, Sam. You want me to take you on a ship with me to Queen Dany – but every price I demand you refuse to pay. You’ve got to pay me with something.
Sam: Damnit!
So Sam gives up the books. Which is a really strange choice for Sam. Pretty much all Sam is left with are the clothes on his back and that horn.
Aemon: *cough*cough* Oh fuck.
Aemon falls to the ground, dying.
Sam: Uhm. Could you actually sail us to Old Town instead of to Dany? I don’t think Aemon has got much longer.
Xhondo: *sigh*
And so they set sail to Old Town instead of going to Queen Daenerys. As Aemon lays dying in his bed, he’s having crazy fever dreams and flashing back to his past.
Aemon: Things! Things from the past! Oh my! I’m going to confuse you all with characters from the Hedge Knight stories, set in the past with Dunk and Egg! Sam, you’re right. We must go to Old Town now. When I sent ravens to Old Town to tell them about the Others, they thought I was a dottering old fool. They don’t know who I am because I left Old Town before they were all born. But they will believe you. You must give them the knowledge so they know the truth. You must tell them about Dany, and have them send her a Maester to advise her. But the Maesters were indeed right about me being a fool! A fool, I say! To not realize who the true TPTWP was all along! The Dragon has Three Heads! I should have known the whole time! The sphinx is the riddle, not the riddler. Ughhhhhh! *dies*
Sam: Oh wow. Aemon’s last words are, “The sphinx is the riddle, not the riddler.” Super cryptic. What do you think that means?
Gilly: Good question. I think it probably refers to the Alleras/Sarella character, who was introduced in the prologue to this book. Alleras even specifically says, "The dragon has three heads," and talks about Dany. Alleras is even called “the Sphinx” in the text.
Sam: Yeah, I mean obviously GRRM intentionally wanted Alleras/Sarella to foreshadow all of this. But there is no way that Aemon was specifically talking about Alleras. He just talked about how he left Old Town years before any Maesters there now were born. Aemon would have no clue who Alleras is.
Xhondo: Xhondo thinks that maybe the dead man was speaking about a literal sphinx. What do we know about sphinxes?
Gilly: Aren’t they lions with head of a man or something like that?
Sam: Actually, the depiction of sphinxes changes in various cultures. For the context of this book series, the most commonly talked-about sphinx is the Valyrian Sphinx. They are mentioned as being the ones that decorate the Red Keep – and are half-man and half-dragon. A human head with a dragon's body.
Gilly: Oh wow. Like a dragon! Like the whole “dragon has three heads” thing that Aemon just mentioned. We might be on to something.
Sam: Right. But it still makes no sense and I don’t understand it. Those were Aemon’s last words, so they HAVE to mean something. The sphinx is the riddle. Not the riddler. What could that mean? Hrmmmm.
Xhondo: Wait! Did you just say “half-man” a moment ago?
Sam: I did.
Xhondo: HALF-MAN! Like Tyrion! Maybe Tyrion is the sphinx. If a sphinx is a half-man. There is a common theory that Tyrion is also really a Targaryen. Because GRRM goes to great lengths to talk about how Mad King Aerys II was obsessed with Tywin’s wife. And Tyrion’s hair was always described as even paler than Jaime and Cersei’s. If this is true, not only would it make Tyrion a Half-Man, it would make him a Half-Dragon too! Half-Man, Half-Dragon! A Sphinx! The "lion" part of the sphinx thing would work too, as he is also a half-lion / half Lannister. Even if Tywin his not his biological father and Aerys is, he'd still be a half Targaryen because Jaime was just talking about how his mom and dad were both Targaryens. Half-Man. Half-Lion. Half-Dragon. And if the Dragon has three heads, that would mean that there is no one TPTWP. But three! Tyrion could either be all three and the sole TPTWP because he is all three of those things, or he could be one of three, along with two others.
Gilly: Ooooh! Oooh! I really like this one. Especially because Tyrion doesn’t have a nose. Just like the sphinx.
Sam: Huh?
Gilly: The Great Sphinx of Giza. It’s missing a nose. Like Tyrion is. I think that’s part of a double-reference on GRRM’s half. Technically it wouldn’t mean anything inside of this fictional universe because they wouldn’t know anything about Giza. But it could be a subtle thing that was added.
Sam: Now I think you’re reading too much into this. So do we really think that’s what Aemon’s last words were about? Do we have any other theories about sphinxes?
Xhondo: I do not know. You people of Westeros love your symbols. Do any of your houses have the symbol of a sphinx on them?
Sam: House Connington has a griffon, which is close to a sphinx. But that’s the head of an eagle and the body of a lion. Not exactly right.
Gilly: Still, the Conningtons keep occasionally getting mentioned. Like Jaime punching out Red Ronnet. Or characters who occasionally obliquely reference or openly talk about Jon Connington, the former Hand of the King. Rumor is he’s dead. But maybe not.
Sam: What? You think he’s… like… alive and over in Essos with some additional claimant to the Iron Throne who might also be a potential Targaryen TPTWP? Like some idiot pretending to be the little dead kid Aegon or something?
Xhondo: If the Dragon has Three Heads – then we’d have four plausible claimants to those three slots. Dany. Jon Snow because COME ON, everybody knows that R+L=J. Then the third slot could either be Tyrion or this Aegon.
Sam: But is a griffon is ALMOST a dragon, not a dragon. And the books also go into a lot of backstory about the Blackfyres, a rival clan of bastards from the Targaryen line. Aegon/Young Griff, who everyone will just call "Fake Aegon" anyway, could be just that – a Blackfyre that is “almost” a dragon. So far I like what I’m heading. Any other theories about what Maester Aemon’s last words could possibly mean?
Gilly: Maybe “The sphinx is the riddle, not the riddler” means that someone who we think is The TPTWP is NOT, because they are only the riddle. Not the riddler. So whoever we determine is “the Sphinx” will help us figure out who the riddle, but they themselves are not the answer to the riddl, e.g. are not TPTWP.
Xhondo: Oh wow. Now we’re getting deep here. This is some heavy shit.
Sam: I like it. But then who is the sphinx? And who is the true riddler, and this the true TPTWP?
Gilly: Maybe… uh… Dany is the riddle. We’ve been following her story the whole time and we THINK that she’s the answer. She thinks she’s the Prince that was Promised, and Aegon thought it. Everyone thinks it. But if she’s just the riddle, not the riddler, that would mean that Jon Snow could actually be TPTWP. So what would that make her? Lightbringer?
Xhondo: WAIT! Xhondo has new idea. What if we are more literal about a sphinx being a dragon with a human’s head? Think about it. A dragon being CONTROLLED by the head, e.g. brain, of a human.
Sam: Oh wow. You mean like a shinchanger or warg or something like that?
Gilly: SHIT! Bran could be TPTWP then, right? I mean he’s the POV of Chapter 1 of the first book, and he’s quickly thrown from the roof of a building to die and be crippled. Everyone disregarded him. But in the end, he could be the hero that saves everyone.
Sam: Maybe. So you’re guessing that Bran takes control of a dragon with his warg skills? But even if Bran takes control of a dragon and is thus “the sphinx” because he’s a dragon with a human’s head… that doesn’t mean he’s TPTWP. Because he’s just the riddle, not the riddler. What if instead it’s…
--Okay, enough of this shit. Please stop.
Sam: What?
Too many theories. Nobody knows what the hell Aemon’s last words were. Let’s move on and go back to the present.
Sam: Oh man, that was a pretty long flashback. Is this entire chapter just that flashback?
Pretty much, yeah.
Dalla’s Baby: *crying*
Kojja Mo: Here, let me hold him.
Kojja Mo rocks the baby to sleep.
Gilly: Wow! *drinks more rum* You’re amazing at that! And to think that I started out as violently racist against you for no reason.
Sam: That baby is pretty healthy. I bet he’s going to live. We should give him a name.
Gilly: Let’s name him Aemon! *drinks rum* But only after he hits two years. That’s the rule.
Sam: Good idea. Ah, Aemon. I’ll miss you, buddy. It’s all Jon’s fault that you’re dead. This journey killed you.
Gilly: No, I understood what Jon did now. He had to send Aemon away. *drinks rum* And he had to switch my baby with Dalla’s. The Red Witch would have sacrificed them both for having king’s blood. I know I was super sad and crying for this entire book, but now I get it.
Kojja Mo: This baby is so cute. Can I watch him all evening?
Gilly: Sure! *finishes rum bottle* Hey Sam, with Kojja baby-sitting the little one, why don’t you come below deck and let me show you something?
Sam: Uhh… okay.
They go below deck. Gilly takes all her clothes off.
Sam: Are you drunk?
Gilly: Maybe. Now let me ride you like you’re a pony, boy.
Sam: MY VOWS! Also, you’re drunk and I have questions about consent issues.
Gilly: If I’m the sexual aggressor, then there are no consent issue problems here.
Sam: BUT MY VOWS! If I break my vows then I’m really no different than Dareon!
Gilly: Maybe this titty milk will make you change your mind!
Sam: *mMMphh*
Gilly sticks her book in Sam’s mouth, showing that GRRM has really got a particular fetish. Hey, it’s not for me to judge. Let consenting adults do consenting adult stuff. He could be a furry for all I care.
Sam: No! I can’t! I promised to take no wife!
Gilly smacks him in the face and jumps on him.
Gilly: I’m your wife now, bitch.
Sam: Well okay, I’m convinced.
They have the sex. Yep, like in the show. But they left the months and months of Gilly crying part out.
The next morning, they wake up. Both hungover. Sam sneaks out of bed and is ashamed of what he’s done. He avoids seeing Gilly all day and thinks about jumping into the sea.
Xhondo: SAM! Stop being a little bitch. We know what you did. Gilly is a moaner.
Sam: I sinned! I sinned! AGH!!! I should throw myself into the sea and die.
Kojja Mo: You idiot. Why would the gods give you private parts if not to use them? Your vows are dumb. If your gods condemn making love, then you have stupid, idiot demon gods.
Sam: I get your point here, but I still also kind of feel like GRRM is still being racist and depicting black people as promiscuous.
Kojja Mo: Stop avoiding Gilly and go see her, or I’ll fucking throw you into the ocean myself.
Sam does, because he’s too afraid to argue any further. He’s pretty much afraid of everything.
Gilly: Sam!
Sam: What we did… I… I… I can never do it again. I broke my vows! But know this. If I ever could take a wife, it would be you. I love you so much.
Gilly: Oh. Wife? Wife? Hahahaha. Yeah, I was drunk as hell last night when I said that “I’m your wife now” thing. That was just a hump and dump, if you know what I mean.
Sam: Whaaaaa?
Gilly: Yeah. I needed to get it out of my system. I think I'm good now.
Sam: But… but… my vows… I broke…
Gilly: You broke your vows to some trees, idiot. Do the trees know you did it? Do I see any trees around, watching you? No. We’re in the middle of the oceans. No trees.
Sam: So you’re saying sins aren’t really sins if the gods don’t see you commit them?
Gilly: Oh come on, like that’s not the basic way most “religious people” act anyway.
Sam: Good point.
Wood on the Boat: We are made of trees and we know what you did, vow-breaker!