Sunday, December 10, 2017

AGoT: Reflections

A Game of Thrones. What a wonderful journey it was, wasn't it?  Before we move on, let's reflect upon a few running jokes and other bits of nonsense.

How many of these things did you notice?
  1.  Yohn Royce really, really just wants to know where his son is.
  2.  Robb always calls Greywind a pupper or doggo. He also thinks "cavalry" are "horseys."
  3. Dany, who is GODDAMN 13 (and later 14), sure does have a lot of chapters where she's stripped naked and being washed down. Or having sex. Which is gross.
  4. In case you forgot, Jorah sold slaves. I won't let you forget though.
  5.  Jeyne Poole thinks Arya is ugly. Which is, you know, ironic.
  6.  When really questionable medical advice is being given, you can rest assured Goop is involved.
  7.  Starting chapters in media res is annoying. Tyrion is especially guilty.
  8. If something is different from the book and show, I'll probably passive-aggressively point that out.
  9.  Sam is the narrator. Deal with it.
  10. All Septon Chayle really wants is for people to return his damn library books.
  11. Irri, Jhiqui and Doreah are unnecessary and redundant. It is known.
  12. Band name?
  13. The Dragon always calls himself "The Dragon."
  14. Ned might or might not really be a fan of CSI.
  15. Why the hell does Shaq keep popping up? Hrmmm.
  16. Nobody likes Sansa.
  17. I can't be the only one who thinks it's messed up that Jeor Mormont gave Jon Snow a BASTARD sword, can I?
  18. I really enjoy swearing. A lot.
  19. Hodor really sounds different than you might remember.
  20. Ser Mandon Moore should have really thought through his nickname a little more.
  21. Everything is Cat's fault. And Ned's. I mean really.
  22. And speaking of that, Littlefinger is the good guy.
  23. Chett and Clydas really seem like they belong in something else.
  24. Get used to references about Grand Maester Pycelle being other people.
  25. You can definitely understand what animals are saying, especially direwolves.
  26. Please, for the love of the seven, don't say "Game of Thrones"
  27. Ravens and Crows really like CORN.
  28. Hrm, that ones Vale Clansman sounds really familiar.
  29. Crowds sure do like talking in unison.
  30. Bran is a huge fan of walking and climbing. Those are his two favorite things, and he really enjoys talking about them.
  31. Ned is really bad at those follow-up discussions he needs to have.
  32. He's also terrible at remembering EXACTLY what he promised his sister.
  33. I really like hyperlinking to this
These aren't all the running jokes I made. But hey... they are some of them.
  • Did you notice 1 - 10 of them? Well then you suck. 
  • 11 - 20? Admirable job!
  • 21 - 30? Great, you're quite the avid reader!


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